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Proper Roof Ventilation

It is very important to ensure proper ventilation in your attic so that your home is comfortable during all seasons. The free flow of fresh air through the roof is essential for the maintenance of the right temperature in your home. Proper roof ventilation ensures that your home is warm in the cold seasons, saving you many expenses. If you want to make sure your attic is well ventilated through the roof read this article to learn why and how to do it properly.

A roof that is well ventilated will last longer than improperly or non-ventilated roof and attic. The lack of ventilation or the improper one can lead to mildew and mold, which are created by the humidity and warm air. Moisture can weaken your roof decking, making your roof more fragile. When moisture and heat get stuck under your roof this may lead to cracked slates and progressively worsening of the roof condition. The lack of ventilation or the improper one can create forming of ice dams as well. This happens when warm air gathered in your attic melts away the snow on your roof. When the weather becomes colder, the melted snow freezes again. This process of melting and freezing again is repeated over and over, thus creating ice dams. They keep the water stuck at the eaves which leads to a lot of roof damage.

There are a few types of roof ventilation you can provide – from installation of basic static vents to more modern power vents. The most effective exhaust ventilation is provided by ridge vents. Their name comes from the place where they are installed – along the ridges of the roof. To provide intake ventilation you can install soffit vents. These vents can be installed along the underside of the overhang of your roof or along the eaves. You can choose gable vents which are installed at the gables and work together with a fan for better results. You have the option of installing roof vents instead of gable or ridge vents. Their location is higher on the surface of your roof.

You should definitely consult with a licensed roofing company such as Prime Home Improvement to ensure that your roof and attic ventilation is in line with the local regulations. During the summer the high temperature in the atmosphere outside heats up your home. Proper roof vents release some of the hot air to regulate the temperature in your home. They also provide a conduit for the cool air to get in your house. During the winter, daily activities create moisture in your home. Cool outdoor air and the heated air in your attic create ice dam formation. Proper vents provide cooler air to get in your attic through the conduit. The hot and moist air is released through the vent so that the temperature in your home is regulated. This is how proper ventilation works and maintains the comfortable temperature in your home.

Questions or concerns about your roof? Schedule an inspection with one of our roofing experts today!

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